If you are foolish enough to read as much tech news as I do you probably heard about Google having some issues today. Reports said that search, GMail, blogger, and a few other services were hit for about an hour [official announcement here]. Thats right, reports said. As is people reported on this. If you didn't notice, every single word in that sentence was actually a link to a different article, reporting on the down time. If I was really determined I would have done that with this entire article, I'm sure it possible I am simply unwilling to copy paste that much to make my point. My favorite part of most of these articles is that they all seem to contain a phrase similar to "We can access Google just fine, but people on Twitter are reporting issues." They are absolutely right, when I first heard about this I did a twitter search for everyones new favorite #googlefail and sure enough tweets were popping up faster then I would glaze my eyes over them. Literally within 5 seconds of doing a search, it already said that 80 more people had tweeted with #googlefail in it. Here is my question, why is it that no bloggers seemed to be affected, but everyone and their grandmothers on twitter was going bezerk, coincidence?
Not being able to access websites is a tricky issue, its often not very clear what the issue is. Is it my computer? Is it my router? Is it [favorite website of choice]? Or is it somewhere is the middle? Thats why I actually see value in websites like http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/, there are simply lots of times when you have no idea. There is a great quote by a brilliant man name Leslie Lamport which says:
A distributed system is one in which the failure of a computer you didn't even know existed can render your own computer unusable.While I agree with the quote, I think I am going to have to modify it slightly for this occasion:
A distributed system is one in which the failure of a computer you didn't even know existed can render your own computer unable for doing any real work, and as a result your only option is to complain about it on twitter.Honestly, they put solitaire on your computer for a reason.
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